Monday 25 July 2016

Faith, Hope & Trust

Faith, Hope & Trust

[Stairway To Heaven undertones]

This topic is so large, that its like fitting the Titanic on a barge. To attempt to cover all in one page, is perhaps impossible. But with all Heart felt topics, "Faith" is one that seems to be the simulator of happy people robotics, yet it is "Hope" and "Trust", that are also a must.

Ohh it makes you wonder

They say from Ashes to Ash-es & Dust to Du-st, is this the 1st or last step in all above title. I fear if Faith" was missing, and the "Hope" and "Trust" was not reverberating, ringing, that we would miss the story, glory of 'Faith" in its ringing, call.

Ohh it makes you wonder

Reversing the time, where "Trust" was sublime, it is a wonder why this, has departed us, at this time. How do we get back the "Trust", it surely should be a must, and I hope to get it back b4 Dust to Dust.

For it is the former and the latter, that is Governing our core Strength, yet it is the "Hope" that we should spend time with at length. When the "Trust" fully returns, do we lose our self protection in turn, and are we more vulnerable having just " Faith" beside us.

Individually they are not wrong, but unity and togetherness they are strong, and a balance all around can be found, like the leaves returning to the ground & the roots strengthened the rebound, so that this and the next generations can join together, safely all around.

Ohh it makes you wonder

Togetherness, belief and peace are parts we require, and force the sick evil ones back to the fire. The ashes 2 ashes and the dust to dust, can exterminate their evil planning on their rotting core, and our beliefs, passions, love & peace can flourish and be as the fleece, instilling passion, warmth and resurrect an eternal applause, encore.

When the joining in unity, of the peace loving community, then the “Trust”, “Hope”, “Faith”, return to conquer fear. For those who generate the fear are the one NME's who tied us here, so hand in hand, we sing cheer and watch them sneer.

For we have gained our Trust, in our direction as one, and never shall we not share the beautiful answers or be undone. As we all know the path, its the light that we hath, as it leads us all its all away from wrath.

With the darkness shadows behind, it clears up when we keep it far from our mind, and the beautiful distractions of life, forget us the strife. The passage on our journey, leads us trusting into the light, but we never should forget our resurrected discovery.

Do not fear to look back, as loved ones , lives shake and form cracks, its a time to reach hand in hand and form a rescue pack. As there are times in our lives, where we don't make it to survive, faith diminishes, crushed, questioned by life's sadness. But together we are strong giving “Trust” to those who long, and in time our questioned “Faith” returns to where it belongs.

We can only hope that your journey meets a fit end, and is cared for until the last chink, turn and bend, and that ashes to ashes are followed by a happy amen. The journey fulfilled, as the unity care and love over spilled, contentment, happiness and peace were achieved together <3

Ohh it makes you wonder.

Ohh it makes you really wonder [Silent Thought].

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